Graphic Design

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988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Sticker/Decals



Prior to the national the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline launch, SAMSHA launched an awareness marketing campaign to educate and excite its’ target demographic and increase trust in the services being offered. To support the campaign, graphics would have to connect with each target audience in a deep, meaningful way.

Understand the visual elements that connect with the target demographic. Additionally, identify the best methods in which the demographic will engage with the final graphic. Lastly, create unique graphics that will bring joy to all those who see them.  
Young folks between the ages of 16-25 are the target demographic. Designed and built a decal that they can stick onto the back of their laptop or other locations like school lockers, backpacks, and sneakers. Color scheme, layout, and elements were carefully selected to effectively reach this important demographic.  


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